Get Paid to Be Who You Are


The success of one woman should be an inspiration for all.

by Sina Port


The Secret to Making Money Doing What You Love

Hey, I'm Sina!

A few years ago, I realized my expertise and work experience weren't enough to make ends meet. I had started a few businesses already, but the income barely covered my rent. I knew I was good at what I did, I was an expert even. But the problem was, no one knew who I was. That's when I came across personal branding.

I had zero online presence at the time, even Google didn't know my name.

Today, I consult Fortune 500 companies and help 3,000+ people build their brands online. I grew my own business to 5+ figures in under 1 year and get to work with brands like Google, Adidas, and BMW. My personal brand even landed me features in publications like Vogue. I know, sometimes I have to pinch myself.

It's not about self-promotion.

It's about sharing your work and unique ideas so that people find you credible before they meet you. When they trust you, opportunities arise.

The crazy thing is, I could've done all of this twice as fast.

In fact, I've made a bunch of mistakes and I almost quit after a few short months into starting on Social Media. I was tired from working full-time, juggling family, and all the effort I put into my posts, with just a few likes. I thought no one would see my content anyways. 

But, this all changed when I discovered something really important about growing online:

It's not about just how many people see you, it’s about the right people seeing you.

Suddenly a post with just a few likes, got me job opportunities and client deals with major brands. With time, I learned how to make a post do both things - go viral and hit the right audience.

And there are specific strategies that work online, to get the right people to find you.

That's it. 

That's the secret.

Can I see any reviews from students?

You can watch, listen to, and read reviews from past customers who've joined Sina Port's mentoring from countless backgrounds, industries and countries!
Want to hear stories from entrepreneurs just like you and see the results they've been able to create after taking the program? 


What if you could go...

From unknown to unforgettable?

From passion project to profitable brand!

From "Who?" to "It's You!"

Your Life + the Lives of Those You Love Can Change When You Grow Your Own Brand

Whether you want...

More freedom to live + work from anywhere.

Become an inspiration to people around the world.

Security for yourself + your loved ones with the $$ you bring in.


Is Sina's mentoring right for me?


Ambitious Beginners

Tasnim Jemli
Engineer turned Community Founder

Is your dream to turn your passion into a business? Whether you’re a coach, consultant, connector or side hustler, this program will make sure you get started the right way.


Tawhed Bashar
Sustainability + Innovation Consultant

Do you want to finally get recognized for your expertise and attract high-paying clients?

Here, you will get all the tools you need to finally get the recognition you deserve!

Offline Entrepreneurs

Mariam Attar
Fashion Business Developer

Do you have a boutique, shop or physical product and are finally ready to attract more customers and increase your revenue? Sina will teach you how to grow your online presence—even if you’re terrified of putting yourself out there.

My goal for you is to...


🦋 Build a brand that not only represents you but inspires others, creating a ripple effect of positive change in your industry.

🦋 Get messages from your fans saying, "Your content is so inspiring! I can't wait to see what you'll come up with next!"

🦋 Tap into your unique talents and experiences, and break free from any blocks that have been holding you back.

🦋 Double your rates (and have your dream clients happily pay them).

🦋 Say to yourself, "I am absolutely in love with my brand and business!" and feel that love radiate out to everyone around you.

🦋 Have this be the year that people tell you, "You're absolutely killing it in your industry!" - and for you to know it's true.

And eventually, you'll have the freedom to run your business from anywhere in the world.

Getting up every day doing what you love.

That's the dream, right?


Who are you mentored by?

Sina is a Fortune 500 consultant, an investor in female-founded companies, and an expert in brand strategy with over 10 years of experience in the industry.

Sina has coached over 3,000 students and has been featured in Vogue.

She has worked with global brands such as adidas, BMW, and Google, and has spoken on stages around the world.

As a German living across the world, Sina is obsessed with the freedom that comes with building purpose-driven brands. 


What's next?

Book An Appointment

You book a free introductory meeting with us.

Get-to-know Call

Together we will find out your needs and wishes.

Work Together

Before we really get started, we need to start planning. Who are you and what is your story? Who is listening to you? Find your why and how to captivate your audience with your content.


Who's this program for?

Income-Generating Solopreneurs

You already have a business or side hustle that’s making you under $5k/month, built around your expertise. 

But growth is slow and you are starting to feel stuck. Income covers the basics but doesn’t really pay for the lifestyle you would like because you struggle to attract high-paying clients. It’s particularly hard because not enough people know you. You’re already posting on social media but it takes a lot of time, effort, and creativity and you’re stressed by all your other commitments.

You'd love to find a way to become known and build an online presence, without sacrificing quality time you could spend with family or doing the things you love. The dream would be so well known that people pay you for your expertise and you can run your dream business from anywhere in the world and on your own schedule.

✔ Ambitious Beginners

You have a passion you want to turn into a business. Maybe it started as a hobby, but as you are now posting about it consistently online, you want to take it to the next level.

You have under 10k followers on your main accounts, and so far haven’t made any consistent income from it yet. But the truth is, you feel a little lost and overwhelmed. You're not sure how to get noticed, and you're scared of failing. But you know that you are a hard worker and with the right guidance and support, you can get recognized, be paid for your talents, and become truly known for who you are and what you stand for.


Who's this program NOT for?

Hobby Entrepreneurs

If you're still treating your business like a hobby, then this program is not the best fit for you.

Our program is designed for women founders who are serious about turning their passion into a sustainable and profitable brand.

✘ Passion Seekers

While we'll help you discover your unique advantage, this mentoring is not for people who have no idea what their passions or talents are.

If you haven't yet found your expertise or creative talents or aren't willing to put in the work to figure it out, this program is not the right fit for you.

What I would recommend to you is to watch some of my free content first, start posting online, and come back when you are ready to build a brand around yourself that turn your passions into profits.

But don't just trust my word...

Here is what our BA students are saying:


"I never thought I could find a group of women that I connect with so deeply, but here I am! This women community has been more than I could ever imagine. Our coworking sessions, and our conversations have become the highlight of my week! And our challenges have shown me that I am actually a really motivated person, but I just need the right environment that pushes me - and it's this! Thank you so much for creating this beautiful space!" 

Sustainability + Innovation Consultant

"Sina's mentoring is like the difference between going to a family doctor and a specialist. It's the only step you need to take to go from confusion to clarity. Everything about branding and your business will fall into place after you join!"

Selflove + Relationship Consultant

"Your mentoring has been an absolute game-changer for me. Before, I had a private account and only posted about personal things. But thanks to you, I've finally gained the confidence to tell people about what I do! After posting my very first social media post about my Personal Brand, I got contacted for five business opportunities! Clients, sponsors for my event, and people who want to hire me to do lectures and train other people. After just one post! I'm forever grateful for the support and guidance I've received from you. If you're ready to step into your own confidence and achieve extraordinary results, join Sina. Thanks to her program, my side hustle is now becoming my main focus, and I couldn't be more excited!"

Fashion Business Developer

"I was immediately attracted to Sina's mentoring for two powerful reasons. First, Sina's ability to blend her faith into her business with authenticity and purpose really resonated with me. It's inspiring to see someone who brings their values into their work and finds fulfillment and success as a result.

Secondly, I strongly believe in the impact of communities on personal and professional growth. That's why joining was a natural choice for me. It's so important to surround myself with like-minded people who support and uplift each other. It's a driving force that helps us move towards our goals.

When I started exploring the first module, called "Clarity," I had a profound realization. Clarity, in my opinion, is the key to unlocking our true potential. Through Sina's insightful teachings, I gained even more clarity about the direction I want to take in my career and business. It provided so much guidance on how to approach tasks and make smart decisions that align with my aspirations.

But you know what has been one of the best parts of this journey? It's the chance to connect with an amazing network of supportive and inspiring women from all over the world. The sense of sisterhood and shared experiences within this community create an environment of empowerment and growth. I'm excited to see and celebrate our collective achievements.

Joining this mentoring program has been an incredibly enriching and transformative experience for me. Sina's focus on faith, clarity, and community has pushed me towards achieving my goals and introduced me to remarkable individuals. I can't wait to see what the future holds, both for myself and the amazing women I now consider my sisters!"

Health + Mindset Coach 

'The Garden Mentoring' Has Helped Entrepreneurs Build Their Personal Brands for More Income + Impact

They did it and so can you. These hard-working BA students put in amazing focus and energy to create their success.


Any questions?